EXPECTATIONS: exactly how TO never BE dissatisfied

Posted: 11/29/2012 | November 29th, 2012

I woke up in a haze. “Why is my iphone screen cracked? Did I break it while I was sleeping?” half awake, I looked closer. No, not broken, just a deceptive-looking black-and-white album cover. I was just groggy, confused, as well as somewhat stupid from the few hours of sleep I had gotten.

I opened the window shade as well as looked out. The sky was altering from black to a rainbow of colors as the sun ushered in a new day… one more welcomed from 35,000 feet.

As breakfast came, I emerged from my airline blanket cocoon, as well as the realization hit me: in less than a day, I’ll be in Africa, a continent I had put off going to for long time.

Since I made the statement about my trip, the very first concern everybody asks me is “Are you excited?”

”No, not yet,” I would say.

Seeing the frustration in their eyes at an response that didn’t communicate overflowing exuberance, I would always add a caveat:

“Yes, of program I am excited. I’m going on safari!!!! But, with so much to do beforehand, I just haven’t had time to wallow in that feeling.”

* * *
I keep in mind when I very first went away in 2006. before I left, my trip was the only thing I would talk about: where I was going, what I was going to do, as well as the adventures I would have. Back then, my exuberance was overflowing.

And then I left.

Days went by as well as I felt no different.

In my mind, this trip was going to be life-altering. It was going to modification whatever — inside as well as out. as well as it did, however not right away. as well as while I wouldn’t modification the path I’ve taken to this moment in my life, I still keep in mind that disappointment… frustration born of expectations produced by naïveté.

We all bring the scars of the past. Each memory is like a weight we knowingly, or sometimes unknowingly, drag with us with life.

And, as I sat huddled in my airline blanket eating one more cardboard-tasting airline breakfast, I couldn’t believe about exactly how I still bring that scar from my past.

Now, before trips, instead of jumping up as well as down, I shut them out of my mind. Yes, I’m excited for Africa. Yes, I was super excited for Japan. however as the Buddha said, without any expectations come no disappointments.

Maybe it’s all those movies I watch or just an overactive imagination, however I develop up trips in my mind to the point where what I believe will occur never matches what really does. as well as while what does occur is always amazing, it becomes less incredible when determined against the expectations in my mind.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve coincidentally discovered a great deal about expectations. Buddha was right: they lead to nothing however disappointment. frequently when we have the greatest expectations, we experience the biggest disappointments.

To many, it seems weird that I would stay so stoic as well as nonchalant about such an legendary trip. “Yeah, I’m going to Africa,” I would say, as if it was no huge deal.

But it is a huge deal, as well as while Toto’s “Africa” has been on repeat on my iPod, I understood providing as well much believed to this trip would just enable my creativity to get the very best of me as well as produce a false set of expectations.

I will believe about Africa when I land in Africa.

I will take it as it comes to me, unfiltered as well as raw.

Because there’s only the moment you’re in, as well as when you just enjoy it of what it is, not what you expect it to be, it can never disappoint you.

Related articles on travel expectations:

Why Do We Travel? endless Opportunity!

Getting scared as well as excited around Again

Losing the question of Travel

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Boek je reis: logistieke tips en trucs
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Zoek een goedkope vlucht door Skyscanner te gebruiken. Het is mijn favoriete bladermotor, omdat deze zowel websites als luchtvaartmaatschappijen over de hele wereld doorzoekt, zodat je altijd begrijpt dat er geen steen ongemoeid blijft.

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You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. Als je ergens anders dan een hostel wilt blijven, gebruik dan Booking.com, omdat ze consequent de goedkoopste tarieven voor gasthouses en hotels retourneren.

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Verzeker mijn reis (voor die ouder dan 70)

MedJet (voor extra evacuatiedekking)

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